Change left click start button to open search bar


New Member
Hi, I want to know how I can assign left clicking the start button in Windows 8.1 to open the search bar instead of the start screen. I know that the search bar can be opened with Win+S or right click->search but I like just left clicking with my mouse once to get to search.

I was thinking that there may be a registry file that I can modify to make this change. Any idea where to look?
Hello TrantaLocked, welcome to Windows EightForums! :)

If you click on 'Start' then begin typing, the search bar will appear automatically. From the drop down menu above the bar you have the option of where to search.
K, navigate to "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"
right click on the Search shortcut:
(gotta show hidden folders)
and choose pin to taskbar.

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These are alternatives; I don't think you can accomplish EXACTLY what you want without a lot of work.
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What are the attachments for? They don't lead to anything or show anything.

Anyway, I pinned the Search shortcut to my taskbar next to the start button and it mechanically allows me to do what I was asking. Still hoping for a manual way to change the start button left click function itself, and I would be willing to do the extra work for that (like editing hex and whatnot).
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