Is there any way to remove an external hard drive without completely shutting down the computer? I have never once had a situation where I clicked on "Safely remove hardware..." > "Eject external USB..." and it let me remove the disk. Every time wtihout exception I get "This device is currently in use. Close any programs or windows that might be using the device". I even get it if I turn off computer > turn it on > do not open any programs or touch any keys > attach external HD > try to remove it. In other word Windows is telling me a program's using the device even though no programs are running.
Going in to diskmgmt.msc and changing the drive to offline is not an option because even though it allows me to remove the disk, the next time I attach it it remains offline and I have to go back in to diskmgmt to switch it to online which is too much hassle.
Going in to diskmgmt.msc and changing the drive to offline is not an option because even though it allows me to remove the disk, the next time I attach it it remains offline and I have to go back in to diskmgmt to switch it to online which is too much hassle.