Brady Desmond
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Hi, I've been trying to record gameplay videos on my computer. I already have a recording software. I have a Lenovo Thinkpad that runs Windows 8 and has a screen resolution of 1920x1080. I have a dock and an HDMI cable, so I often play on my 1680x1050 Dell monitor because it is easier for me- I can attach a mouse, a keyboard, etc. to the dock, which is easier than trying to game on just a laptop. Anyways, I have become frustrated because I would like to record gaming videos at a resolution of 1920x1080- my 1650x1080 res. monitor is old and is no longer a standard resolution, so it can't do this properly. I could simply record 1080p on my laptop, but as I previously mentioned, I find it hard to produce quality gameplay videos because gaming on just my laptop is simply not comfortable. Pay attention because this may sound confusing: is there a way for me to record videos from my laptop screen at 1080p while actually physically seeing my 1650x1080 monitor while playing? What I'm essentially asking is if I can make use of both screens while recording- one to actually output the gaming video (my laptop screen), and my monitor to simply project the game so I can play easier (not to capture the monitor screen in the recording!!!) I understand that this is very confusing and probably not possible, I just wanted to know if there was anything I could try out before purchasing an expensive monitor. Thank you for your time.