Solved BSOD while playing Games eg: Dota2. 0x00000124


New Member
Hi, I have build the desktop recently with
i5 5675c
Asrock h97m Annivesary
GTX450(old one)
4GB of ram

I'm getting the blue screen error more and more frequently while playing dota2.
Please find the attachment below
View attachment 68181
Hi shaoulang,

Welcome to the 8forums :)

Please check ASRock for BIOS updates.
ASRock > H97M Anniversary

Please fill in your system specs
Please follow this tutorial and download the tool. The tool will give you detailed information about your system specs, please fill in your system specs more completely including PSU, cooling and other used stuff like mouse, keyboard, monitor, case, etc.
The PSU, cooling and other stuff are NOT mentioned in the tool.​
How to fill in your system specs:

Hi Axe0,

Thanks for helping, I think my BIOS is up to date as i tried to update it, it says is latest.

For my system specs is as below:
View attachment 68184
Processor fan: stock
Casing fan: 2intake , 2exhaust
i also have updated it in my profile.
Does a crash occur only when you play Dota2?
It happens frequently while playing dota2. Few tines while browsing using chrome and other games like CSGO
Could you watch the temperatures please and tell me what the temps are while idle and under load.
Those temperatures are from what component?
What is the temperature situation from other components?
What stress test did you run? Was there any problem while running this test, besides of possible lags?
Hi Axel, i just back to hometown with all the parts. since i have 2 pc at home so i can swap the parts to test around and i found the issue is actually caused by faulty processor as i changed the ram the graphic card still get blue screen but as soon as i replace the processor everything goes fine. I am looking into getting a replacement from intel.

Good to hear you found the cause :)