Solved BSOD When launching Warthunder Launcher tcpip


New Member
I first discovered my BSOD issue when i went to launch my Nvidia Geforce Experiance to update my graphics card driver however before I could even see the are i needed to whilst it was still loading i got a Windows BSOD with an error of irql driver_not_less_or_equal (tcpip) I managed to figure upon my own research that this was a network driver error however the blue screen happened again upon re installing the network driver making it impossible to get a new driver. Furthermore this then proceeded to happen upon launching my WarThunder Launcher as it tried to update.
Thanks for reading and helping,
Harry.View attachment 61506
Hi Aech & Welcome to the forums ^_^,

Really sorry for the delay. Sadly, there are not many analysts :(
Do you still need help with this problem? If yes, then kindly reply to this thread and I will be notified via email and reply within 48 hours.

It is okay i do still need help however i solved the issue with the WT launcher by reinstalling it outside of steam however the issue with the Geforce expierance is still there
Hello Aech, hopefully blueelvis doesn't mind me posting here. It looks like the problem is being caused by some of the ASUS bloatware you have installed.

ffffd000`216e57f8  fffff800`0e9d6997Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\NFC_Driver.sys, Win32 error 0n2
[COLOR=#ff0000]*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for NFC_Driver.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for NFC_Driver.sys[/COLOR]

The driver posted above belongs to ASUS GameFirst, can you uninstall that software and test the system for stability.
Hello Boozad, Thank you for this and it has fixed all issues that I had and have tested I also reinstalled through steam (WT) and it now works fine. Thank you again and keep up your good work :)