Solved BSOD - Random apc-index _mismatch


New Member
Hi there

I have a pc that is Windows 8.1 Professional and it is getting regular random blue screens (sad face).
When I look at BluescreenView it shows several APC_INDEX_MISMATCH and is saying driver issue is related to ntoskrnl.exe

I have a feeling it could be memory related but not 100& sure.

I would be very grateful if you could take a look at the log files attached and let me know what you think might be causing the issue?

3: kd> .bugcheck
Bugcheck code 00000001
Arguments 00007ff8`b7650e4a 00000000`00000000 00000000`0000fffe ffffd000`216edb00

3: kd> kn
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 ffffd000`216ed8c8 fffff801`02bdc4e9 nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 ffffd000`216ed8d0 fffff801`02bdc406 nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
02 ffffd000`216eda10 00007ff8`b7650e4a nt!KiSystemServiceExit+0x24b
03 00000000`1d82eaa8 00000000`00000000 0x00007ff8`b7650e4a

   +0x1e4 KernelApcDisable : ??
   +0x1e6 SpecialApcDisable : ??
   +0x1e4 CombinedApcDisable : ??

Doesn't look like a memory issue, it looks like a driver bug, there's been a mismatch of APCs being disabled and enabled.
Enable Driver Verifier, that should find the culprit.
Either that, or provide a Kernel memory dump from C:\Windows\MEMORY.dmp.
Hi Mysers Briggs

Thanks for assisting with this and reviewing the log files. What procedure do you recommend for executing Driver Verifier?

We have a MEMORY DMP file in C:\windows but it is approx 650MB. I have zipped it to 120MB approx. I can upload to Dropbox and provide a link if it would help in identifying the issue also?

Hi again Myser Briggs

Here are 3 sets of collection logs (2 set of logs which had driver verifier turned on and 2 bluescreens happened), one set of logs after driver verifier was turned off. Not sure if you need this last set.

Let me know what you think
To be honest, this kernel memory dump isn't much help, nor are the verifier enabled crashes.
We'll need a complete memory dump, if you don't mind, which will be very large.

Go the Start
Right click My Computer
Select Properties
Click Advanced system settings
Click on the Advanced tab
Select Settings under Startup and Recovery
Then under Write debugging information select Complete memory dump.

Once a dump is created go to:
Copy the file to the desktop, zip it up and upload it to a file sharing site like Onedrive. After the upload is done post the download link in your next reply.
Hi there Mysers Briggs

Thanks for the update. I have uploaded a 600MB complete memory dump yesterday. See 2nd last post. Zipped it is 120MB.
Is that of any help?

If its not suitable, do I need to wait till the next BSOD and then upload the complete memory dump? Do I also need to re-enable driver verifier since I stopped it after the last BSOD?

That's a Kernel memory dump, they're quite a lot smaller.
You'll need to wait for a new crash for a complete memory dump to overwrite it.
No, you can leave driver verifier disabled, it's of no use.
lvuvc64.sys is causing the actual problems here, it's your Logitech USB webcam driver, causing an APC mismatch, bad programming code.
It's outdated two and a half years, time for an update.

Logitech Support + Downloads

//Thread that crashed the box

1: kd> !thread
THREAD ffffe000b5386880  Cid 1018.11c4  Teb: 00007ff5ffea8000 Win32Thread: fffff9014446eb60 RUNNING on processor 1
IRP List:
    ffffe000b8841900: (0006,0700) Flags: 00060030  Mdl: 00000000
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 ffffc00188de9900
Owning Process            ffffe000b603b900       Image:         SliceIT.exe
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      4773660        Ticks: 0
Context Switch Count      542088         IdealProcessor: 0             
UserTime                  01:39:46.593
KernelTime                00:00:33.625
Win32 Start Address MSVCR100!_threadstartex (0x00000000730c1dbc)
Stack Init ffffd00199c7cc10 Current ffffd00199c7a9e0
Base ffffd00199c7d000 Limit ffffd00199c76000 Call 0
Priority 11 BasePriority 8 UnusualBoost 0 ForegroundBoost 2 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
ffffd001`99c7c8c8 fffff802`0b5d44e9 : 00000000`00000001 00007ffa`53a50e4a 00000000`00000000 00000000`0000fffe : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffd001`99c7c8d0 fffff802`0b5d4406 : ffffe000`b5386880 ffffd001`001f0003 00000000`1e8febf8 fffff802`00000000 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
ffffd001`99c7ca10 00007ffa`53a50e4a : 00007ffa`50be67fb 00000000`00000007 00000000`00000040 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceExit+0x24b (TrapFrame @ ffffd001`99c7ca80)
00000000`1e8feba8 00007ffa`50be67fb : 00000000`00000007 00000000`00000040 00000000`00000000 00000000`00210000 : ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0xa
00000000`1e8febb0 00007ffa`510b1bb0 : 00000000`002f0003 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000030 00007ffa`50be14db : KERNELBASE!DeviceIoControl+0x89
00000000`1e8fec20 00007ffa`3ae6380a : 00000000`00000018 00000000`00000c9c 00000000`1e8fed60 00000000`00000c9c : KERNEL32!DeviceIoControlImplementation+0x80
00000000`1e8fec70 00007ffa`3ae6243d : 00000000`168df9c0 00000000`1e8fedb8 00000000`168dfd18 00000000`00000c9c : ksproxy!KsSynchronousDeviceControl+0xba
00000000`1e8fece0 00007ffa`3ae41cde : 00000000`168df9c0 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000004 00000000`168dfd18 : ksproxy!SetState+0x5d
00000000`1e8fed50 00007ffa`3ae53aec : 00000000`168d9370 00000000`168df9c0 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : ksproxy!CKsProxy::PropagateAcquire+0x546
00000000`1e8fee00 00007ffa`3ae481a7 : 00000000`168d9468 00000000`26a0e8f8 00000000`168dfc60 00000000`00000000 : ksproxy!Active+0xa8
00000000`1e8fee50 00007ffa`3ae41766 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`168d9468 00000000`26a0e8f8 00000000`00000000 : ksproxy!CKsOutputPin::Active+0x87
00000000`1e8feeb0 00007ffa`2f822f09 : 00007ffa`3bdc0730 00000000`26a0e8f8 00007ffa`3ae41610 00000000`26a0e8f8 : ksproxy!CKsProxy::Pause+0x156
00000000`1e8feef0 00007ffa`2f833c1f : 00000000`00000000 00000000`26d0e2c8 00000000`1e8ff300 00007ffa`3bd53898 : quartz!CFilterGraph::Pause+0x1f9
00000000`1e8fefe0 00007ffa`2f833c4f : 00000000`26a0e960 00000000`1e8ff300 00007ffa`3bd53898 00000000`1e8ff070 : quartz!CFGControl::Cue+0x3b
00000000`1e8ff010 00007ffa`2f8366af : 00000000`26d0e2c8 00000000`1e8ff300 00007ffa`3bd53898 00000000`1e8ff0a0 : quartz!CFGControl::CueThenRun+0x1f
00000000`1e8ff040 00007ffa`2f836065 : 00000000`26a0e960 00000000`26d0e2c8 00000000`1e8ff300 00007ffa`3bd53898 : quartz!CFGControl::CImplMediaControl::StepRun+0xab
00000000`1e8ff070 00007ffa`3bd3b780 : 00000000`26a0e960 00000000`203b6dc0 00007ffa`3bd53898 00000000`1e8ff1c0 : quartz!CFGControl::CImplMediaControl::Run+0x35
00000000`1e8ff0a0 00000000`26a0e960 : 00000000`203b6dc0 00007ffa`3bd53898 00000000`1e8ff1c0 00000000`26a0dee8 : OpenIMAJGrabber!OpenIMAJGrabber::setTimeout+0x9760
00000000`1e8ff0a8 00000000`203b6dc0 : 00007ffa`3bd53898 00000000`1e8ff1c0 00000000`26a0dee8 00000000`168dd898 : 0x26a0e960
00000000`1e8ff0b0 00007ffa`3bd53898 : 00000000`1e8ff1c0 00000000`26a0dee8 00000000`168dd898 00000000`00000000 : 0x203b6dc0
00000000`1e8ff0b8 00000000`1e8ff1c0 : 00000000`26a0dee8 00000000`168dd898 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : OpenIMAJGrabber!OpenIMAJGrabber::setTimeout+0x21878
00000000`1e8ff0c0 00000000`26a0dee8 : 00000000`168dd898 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00100000`73646976 : 0x1e8ff1c0
00000000`1e8ff0c8 00000000`168dd898 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00100000`73646976 719b3800`aa000080 : 0x26a0dee8
00000000`1e8ff0d0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00100000`73646976 719b3800`aa000080 11ce524f`e436eb7d : 0x168dd898

/*-2 APCs, the KeEnterGuardedRegion and/or KeEnterCriticalRegion didn't match the Leave functions
So the APCs were disabled too little. */

   +0x1e4 KernelApcDisable : 0n-2
   +0x1e6 SpecialApcDisable : 0n0
   +0x1e4 CombinedApcDisable : 0xfffe

//Old .dll file

1: kd> lmvm OpenIMAJGrabber
start             end                 module name
00007ffa`3bd30000 00007ffa`3bd66000   OpenIMAJGrabber   (export symbols)       OpenIMAJGrabber.dll
    Loaded symbol image file: OpenIMAJGrabber.dll
    Image path: C:\Users\workshop\AppData\Local\Temp\BridJExtractedLibraries1547411402935275519\OpenIMAJGrabber.dll
    Image name: OpenIMAJGrabber.dll
    Timestamp:        Thu May 09 12:55:53 2013 (518B8EC9)
    CheckSum:         0003A4DF
    ImageSize:        00036000
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4

1: kd> !irp ffffe000b8841900
Irp is active with 22 stacks 22 is current (= 0xffffe000b8841fb8)
 No Mdl: System buffer=ffffe000b75d4bc0: Thread ffffe000b5386880:  Irp stack trace.  
     cmd  flg cl Device   File     Completion-Context
 [  0, 0]   0  2 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffffc0000005
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  0, 0]   0  0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000    

            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
 [  e, 0]   0  2 ffffe000b87aea90 00000000 fffff800e3917598-ffffd00199c7c6a0    
          *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for lvuvc64.sys //Logitech Webcam driver
 \Driver\LVUVC64    ksthunk!CKernelFilterDevice::DeferIrpCompletion //Defer IRP complete function, wait for conditions
            Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 1e8fed20
>[  e, 0]   1  0 ffffe000b8acc910 ffffe000b5472360 00000000-00000000    
            Args: 00000004 00000018 002f0003 1e8fed20

1: kd> !fileobj ffffe000b5472360


Related File Object: 0xffffe000bec44310

Device Object: 0xffffe000b62c64c0   \Driver\usbccgp
Vpb is NULL

Flags:  0x40000
    Handle Created

FsContext: 0xffffe000b531b378    FsContext2: 0x00000000
CurrentByteOffset: 0

//Accessing a file object using a handle

1: kd> lmvm lvuvc64
start             end                 module name
fffff800`e3a5b000 fffff800`e3ee2d80   lvuvc64    (no symbols)           
    Loaded symbol image file: lvuvc64.sys
    Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\lvuvc64.sys
    Image name: lvuvc64.sys
    Timestamp:        Tue Oct 23 03:12:08 2012 (5085FCF8) //Very old driver
    CheckSum:         004912C7
    ImageSize:        00487D80
    Translations:     0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4

1: kd> !devstack ffffe000b87aea90
  !DevObj           !DrvObj            !DevExt           ObjectName
  ffffe000b8acc910  \Driver\ksthunk    ffffe000b8acca60  000000fe
> ffffe000b87aea90  \Driver\LVUVC64    ffffe000b87aec00  
  ffffe000b62c64c0  \Driver\usbccgp    ffffe000b62c6610  000000fc
!DevNode ffffe000b5abab00 :
  DeviceInst is "USB\VID_046D&PID_081B&MI_00\7&1cd1107f&0&0000"
  ServiceName is "LVUVC64"

//PArt of the USB driver stack and device stack

1: kd> !devobj ffffe000b62c64c0
Device object (ffffe000b62c64c0) is for:
 000000fc \Driver\usbccgp DriverObject ffffe000b4bf2c20
Current Irp 00000000 RefCount 2 Type 00000022 Flags 00003040
Dacl ffffc1027c762bc1 DevExt ffffe000b62c6610 DevObjExt ffffe000b62c6ba0 DevNode ffffe000b5abab00 
AttachedDevice (Upper) ffffe000b87aea90 \Driver\LVUVC64
Device queue is not busy.

1: kd> !handle 40000

PROCESS ffffe000b603b900
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 1018    Peb: 7ff5ffffe000  ParentCid: 034c
    DirBase: 28b1aa000  ObjectTable: ffffc0017f41e840  HandleCount: <Data Not Accessible>
    Image: SliceIT.exe

Handle Error reading handle count.

Invalid Handle: 0x40000

1: kd> !process ffffe000b603b900
PROCESS ffffe000b603b900
    SessionId: 1  Cid: 1018    Peb: 7ff5ffffe000  ParentCid: 034c
    DirBase: 28b1aa000  ObjectTable: ffffc0017f41e840  HandleCount: <Data Not Accessible>
    Image: SliceIT.exe
    VadRoot ffffe000b8bd8a20 Vads 451 Clone 0 Private 485129. Modified 6726816. Locked 1929.
    DeviceMap ffffc00188de9900
    Token                             ffffc00189f0a890
    ElapsedTime                       19:33:54.111
    UserTime                          12:33:42.687
    KernelTime                        00:22:43.343
    QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool]         601224
    QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool]      62400
    Working Set Sizes (now,min,max)  (498429, 50, 345) (1993716KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
    PeakWorkingSetSize                497229
    VirtualSize                       7019 Mb
    PeakVirtualSize                   7019 Mb
    PageFaultCount                    517382843
    MemoryPriority                    BACKGROUND
    BasePriority                      8
    CommitCharge                      699679
    Job                               ffffe000b54ca060

        THREAD ffffe000b8531880  Cid 1018.1310  Teb: 00007ff5ffffc000 Win32Thread: fffff901407c0b60 WAIT: (WrUserRequest) UserMode Non-Alertable
            ffffe000b8686dc0  SynchronizationEvent
        Not impersonating
        DeviceMap                 ffffc00188de9900
        Owning Process            ffffe000b603b900       Image:         SliceIT.exe
        Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
        Wait Start TickCount      4773659        Ticks: 1 (0:00:00:00.015)
        Context Switch Count      27802          IdealProcessor: 2             
        UserTime                  00:00:05.906
        KernelTime                00:00:02.640
Hi there

Apologies I thought I replied here. Looks like it was the Logitech camera that was faulty.
