BSOD during startup with no MiniDump file


New Member

Today I installed a sound card driver called 5Hv2 sound card game. The disc was so small though. At first the setup didn't work due to platform error I think so I ran it under Windows XP SP3 compatibility. So then it works and asked me to reboot the system.

After restarting, the startup was taking longer than usual. The ASUS logo screen stays for about 3-5 minutes then the blue screen appears but it is so fast that I could not see the error message or code. I thought maybe because the cd was still inside so I quickly open the drive and remove the cd. After the blue screen, it restarts automatically then only I can login. I checked the Minidump folder and found nothing. I also used the SF_Diagnostic_Tool and Grab All but no Minidump file.

I thought maybe the drivers of the 5Hv2 sound card was not compatible on my laptop but it works. I use my Siberia headset and use the sound card with no problem. But I wonder what's the issue here, I don't want another blue screen when restarting.
Only 139 Windows Updates installed. Most systems have 160 or more. Please visit Windows Update and get ALL available updates (it may take several trips to get them all).

Many, many Live Kernel Events in the WER section of MSINFO32
Please do the following:
- open Event Viewer (run eventvwr.msc from the "Run" dialog))
- expand the Custom Views category (left click on the > next to the words "Custom Views")
- right click on Administrative Events
- select "Save all Events in Custom View as..."
- save the file as Admin.evtx
- zip up the file (right click on it, select "Send to", select "Compressed (zipped) folder")
- upload it with your next post (if it's too big, then upload it to a free file-hosting service and post a link here).

While waiting for a reply, please monitor your temps with this free utility: HWMonitor CPUID - System & hardware benchmark, monitoring, reporting

Please start with these free diagnostics: Hardware Diagnostics
I suspect a hardware problem, but am uncertain due to the sound card problem.
The temperature program I mentioned will also list the high temp that the sensor(s) have reached.

The Admin event log doesn't show much.

Lot's of Sound Recorder errors on June 15 around 6:10am What were you doing around that time?

Low power states for the processor (most likely not a problem, but I did some research on it):

Possible causes:
Power Management
TurboBoost (my guess)

You may want to try Post 3 here:
ML350 G6 - The speed of processor is being limited... - HP Enterprise Business Community
Hi Jim,
It's the byproduct of new Processor Power Management feature in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
You can download the document and see how it affects the system performance.
Windows Hardware Dev Center Archive (Windows Drivers)
(I found it here: )

Reduced performance state is 0 seconds (yours is not 0, but is only a warning - not an error message) so It's not a error message.
If you don't want to receive this event then simply turn off its support in BIOS.
1. Enter BIOS by pressing F9 on POST
2. Navigate to "Power Management Options" => "Advanced Power Management Options" => "Minimum Processor Idle Power State"
3. Choose "No C-States"

From the above article, try:
Power Options...Change Plan Settings (for the default plan)... Change Advanced Power Settings...Processor Power Management (set Min and Max to 100% and test). It seems to be Minimum Power State and Maximum Power State in Win8.1.

If you find that this is the problem, then set it back to the original values, as the system was functioning as it was intended to.

My system is spitting these errors, so I've tried it on it. I'll have to wait a day or two before I can confirm if it worked or not.
Beyond that, there's nothing really critical in the logs that would explain the crashes.
I'd suspect hardware at this point.
Continue to monitor the temps and complete the hardware diagnostics that I linked to earlier.
Ok I attached my temp from the link you've given me. Is my temp ok?

Oh yeah, sound recorder, about that. I was testing my microphone for my Siberia headset to see if it works and detects it or not so I messed around on my Sound settings and disable the microphone so it gives me the error that no microphone device was detected to record my voice on the Sound Recorder, that's it.

I'm not sure what you mean about "Low power states for the processor" but I think the cause is surely the TurboBoost since my laptop has the TurboBoost 2.0 or something.

And about the power plan, I am using the Power4Gear Hybrid and I choose the maximum performance setting. It is already set like that when I purchase and use it. I used the Balanced and Power saving mode when I'm at college cause I don't use my charger.
The temps look fine to me.

Try disabling TurboBoost in the BIOS - just temporarily to see if it helps.
BTW - the test on my system didn't work, it's still spitting these errors. But something in my system had set the power saving back to the minimum 5% level - which I discovered when I went to reset the system back. This means that there's something else that's messing with my power settings.

I'm about out of ideas here. Try this (just a hunch):
Then please run the following DISM commands to see if there's any problems with the system (from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt). Press Enter after each one:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

FYI - I have repaired systems using the last command even though problems weren't found with the first 2 - so I suggest running them all.

From this article: Repair a Windows Image

You can also run sfc.exe /scannow from an elevated (Run as administrator) Command Prompt to check for further corruption.

Also, try these free diagnostics: Hardware Diagnostics
I noticed that you have several BSOD's back in March that were due to your video card - so be sure to run the video diagnostics.