Bookmark List Mystery - Chrome


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Power User
On 2 occasions (about 3 weeks apart) my bookmark list in Chrome has inexplicably reversed. Meaning the latest bookmark added is at the top of the list not by my choice. Normally, it would be at the end of the list.

I do not use any particular method to organize bookmarks or folders. I do manually move a bookmark to the top if needed. I reinstalled Chrome to no avail.

Thoughts ? My concern is possible spyware/malware ? I "googled" the issue but can find no info on how to reverse the bookmarks.

Any help/thoughts appreciated. Thanks !
Is the Chrome you are using syncing to another device you have that uses Chrome. You may have a SuperSorter extension. Check also Bookmark manager.
No, I am not synced to another device. I did check the Bookmark Manager but found no options to reverse order or bookmarks.

Will check the Supersorter extension.

Any other thoughts ?