How to Create a "Bluetooth Devices" Shortcut in Windows 8 and 8.1

There are many different types of Bluetooth enabled devices you can add to your PC, such as mobile phones, wireless headsets, and wireless mouse devices and keyboards.
This tutorial will show you how to create or download a Bluetooth Devices shortcut that opens to the PC settings and Control Panel locations in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.
This tutorial will show you how to create or download a Bluetooth Devices shortcut that opens to the PC settings and Control Panel locations in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1.
EXAMPLE: Bluetooth Devices in PC settings location
NOTE: This shortcut will only work in Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1 editions.
EXAMPLE: Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel location
NOTE: This shortcut works in Windows 8, Windows RT, Windows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1 editions.
To Download a "Bluetooth Devices" Shortcut
1. Do step 2 or 3 below for which shortcut you wanted.
2. Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel Location Shortcut
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the ZIP file below, and go to step 4 below.
3. Bluetooth Devices in PC settings Location Shortcut
A) Click/tap on the Download button below to download the ZIP file below, and go to step 4 below.
4. Save the .zip file to your desktop.
5. Open the .zip file and extract (drag and drop) the shortcut to your desktop.
6. Unblock the extracted shortcut.
7. If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.
8. When finished, you can delete the downloaded .zip file if you like.
To Manually Create a "Bluetooth Devices" Shortcut
1. Right click or press and hold on an empty area of your desktop, and click/tap on New and Shortcut.
2. Copy and paste either command below into the location area, and click/tap on the Next button. (see screenshot below)
(Bluetooth Devices in PC settings location)

If you are not have a US English Windows 8.1 installed, then you will need to change the en-US folder name in the command below for the folder name with your language instead for this to work.
%windir%\explorer.exe %localappdata%\Packages\windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Indexed\Settings\[COLOR=#ff0000][B]en-US[/B][/COLOR]\AAA_SettingsPagePCSystemBluetooth.settingcontent-ms
(Bluetooth Devices in Control Panel location)
%windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{28803F59-3A75-4058-995F-4EE5503B023C}
3. Type Bluetooth Devices for the name, and click/tap on the Finish button. (see screenshot below)
NOTE: You can name this shortcut anything you would like though.
4. Right click or swipe down on the new Bluetooth Devices shortcut, and click/tap on Properties.
5. Click/tap on the Shortcut tab, then click/tap on the Change Icon button. (see screenshot below)
6. In the line under "Look for icons in this file", copy and paste the location below and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
7. Select the icon highlighted in blue above, and click/tap on OK. (see screenshot above)
NOTE: You can use any icon that you would like instead though.
8. Click/tap on OK. (see screenshot below step 5)
9. If you like, you can Pin to Taskbar on desktop, Pin to Start screen, add to Quick Launch, assign a keyboard shortcut to it, or move this shortcut to where you like for easy use.
That's it,
Related Tutorials
- How to Create a "Bluetooth Settings" Shortcut in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
- How to Create a "Bluetooth File Transfer" Shortcut in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8
- How to Open Devices and Printers in Windows 7 and Windows 8
- How to Create a "Devices and Printers" Shortcut in Windows 7 and Windows 8
- How to Turn On or Off Bluetooth Notification Area Icon in Windows
- How to Pair Your Windows Phone 8 with a Bluetooth Windows 8.1 PC
- How to Turn On or Off Bluetooth in Windows 8 and 8.1
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