Blue screens with different repeated errors


New Member
Hi everyone!
I use a Sony Vaio SVE1713M1E laptop and at some point I started getting this message on windows 8.1 during start up:
iolorgdf32 program not found - skipping AUTOCHECK
I am not sure if that message has to do anything with the following, but soon after that, Blue Screens started to appear and restart the laptop with the following messages:
These Blue Screens always cause an autorestart.
This happens at least once per day, to 3 or 4 times per day! It drives me crazy!
The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT message is the most common one so I did a memory test but no errors were found.
Then, I tried to do a disk check but it always gets stuck at 15% for hours, so I leave it to it and the next morning I find it on the start sreen (probably after a restart caused by a blue screen, not sure). I have tried to do that at least 20 times, but never succesfully.
I am no pc expert but I have search in the forums and I saw that noone else has this problem with the multiple different errors causing the blue screens.
Any ideas?

I have uploaded the DMP files here: Dropbox - minidumps

Thank you in advance!
I tried the driver verifier and it crashes immediately. After that, I must enter into safe mode to reset it. The strange thing is that I could not find anything like DRIVER_VERIFIED_DETECTED_VIOLATION (xxxxx.sys) in the dump files.

I also tried to run the verifier with only some of the drivers selected, in order to track down the one that causes the problem, but I am getting the strange behaviour that if I select let's say a set of drivers A or a set of drivers B it does not crash, whereas if I select all the drivers in A union B it crashes. Could it be some combination that causes the problem?

The following are two minidumps that were created after a crash using the verifier

Any ideas?

Here is the Speccy url with my system profile: