Anybody else tired of hearing these lame Win 8 complaints?

mdmd, how did you rename/redesign all those tiles?

With Oblytile version .9 and Paint Shop.
Open your favorite Paint program to create an image 200 x 200 or so... (minimum - it could be larger)

Add tile color to the background with your paint program or create an image that has whatever background color... Add text to the 200 x 200 square. Save to your preferred folder.

Open Oblytile, (learn the features of Oblytile), choose file, folder, or website.
Add the created tile from Paint (Shop Pro) or whatever as an Oblytile tile image.

Click on create tile.
I'm fairly certain mine just zooms out. Maybe I'm thinking of a different button. All I know is I can name app groups in vanilla 8.
Ah, I see what ya mean, it's the little "-" down on the screen. I was hitting it on the KB. Nice.

Yea, I'm just confused as to how this was introduced as a "new" feature in Windows 8.1. I suppose that simply making it more accessible in the standard Start Screen view helps.
Hi there
What would be nice would be to have the NAMED GROUPS as a Single tile for each name and then when you click on that it expands DOWNWARDS. You'd still have the facility to type letters for searching applications like now.

I just HATE the screen to be riddled with so many tiles -- that's my BIG beef with W8 --W8.1 does at least boot to desktop directly and with a custom toolbar I rarely need to access the start screen(s) any more.
