Anybody else tired of hearing these lame Win 8 complaints?

It really doesn't matter that you're tired of hearing about it, there are very legitimate reasons for it.

There are many reasons why I won't/can't run Windows 8.x, but the primary reason is MS is forcing me upgrade my entire Windows based IT infrastructure to Windows Server/Hyper-V to 2012 if I want to manage it from my Win8 machine because they have made the desktop management tools incompatible with previous server versions.

I know I could run Windows 7 in a VM on my machine to do so, but why should I have to? It is the same with why should I have to install a 3rd party Start Menu to get the convenience if the Start Menu back.

These, and many other, compromises are not acceptable. They are simply an artificial limitation in an attempt to force a revenue generating (for MS) upgrades on us that even if we wanted the upgrade we couldn't do them overnight.

Add the training issue for the IT user population and the costs involved and this is a disaster for MS, and a bigger blunder on their part than Vista ever was.
Because that is what you are use to. It's what you have been doing for years.
Think about it... if things went the other way, you would be saying the same thing. I can say, that is a fact.
Try doing it with the interface for a couple of years only and then come back and say how you feel. I can say with confidence, you won't. Or, you will say it doesn't matter, cause you learned the new way of doing it and it works just fine for you.

Because by that time, that is what you will be used to doing.

It has a lot less to do with the interface and everything with what we are used to.

Actually I do what's the easiest and quickest to do - If I had found an advantage to using the Fart Screen Search, I would be using it now. But since all of my work is done from the desktop it's easier to use it this way. If there were NO CHOICE, I would move to Apple, or I would have taken Windows 8 out immediately. But I like Windows 8's DESKTOP, it's better than the 7 Desktop, much faster by a factor of at least 10.
ok. It can be quicker from the Desktop or File Explorer.

... also ... There is a minimize button on the bottom right corner for alphabetical listing.

View attachment 26306

I'll look for it next time I am in the Tile, but the vast bulk of what I store in there, would still require me to scroll left and right, it's simply easier to open File Explorer, and type the first 2 letters of the file I'm lookng for, then BOOM it;s there.

The Tile Search, does NOT work that way, you can only find the file by visual search. Look, if I had only a few files in each of these folders, it would be moot, I could use it.

Here is my process: I'm reading a post, find a solution, then make a screenshot of it. Open PAINT, paste it in, save it to my pics.

Then I click on Post Pic, choose file and the Explorer Windows comes up, I type the first 2 letters of the file I just made into the selection box on the bottom. It fills in automatically with the names of all of the files that have those letters in it.

IN the Tile Search, there is no place to enter the name of the file, yo have to select it after a visual search. I know I can pull up the charms barf and Search that way, but it is an extra step.

Why should I use a method that puts extra steps into my process? Using Tile Search, it takes me over a minute to locate my file. Using explorer, I find it in less than a second. So it's always faster to just use the Desktop way.
I would love to use the Modern/Metro interface exclusively.
But it is not, nor do I believe it will EVER BE ready for prime time.

Let me pose a question about a simple OS task using the Modern interface.

How do I browse hidden folders?

Answers anyone???

Didn't think so :(

So when the answers to these simple BASIC questions are....IT CAN'T BE DONE,
complaints follow. The main 'complaint?' being....don't release ALPHA software.
The Modern interface is ALPHA software....thus far.

Modern/Metro should not have shipped [or should have shipped separately as a tablet OS]
until it mirrored the feature set of the Desktop OS.

I've no complaints about 8 Desktop OS or Blue Desktop OS, other than the
deprecation of some of the older features that shipped with Windows 7.

Microsoft did a great job on the DESKTOP OS.

Very well worded, this us how I feel exactly. The Desktop is fantastic, despite removal of the much loved Transparency. But I can live without that due to the speed of it. If Windows 7 were that fast, it would be the best OS ever. But 8's desktop is many times more efficient especially after adding in a real working Start Button that pulls up a Program Menu, and adding DesktopGadgetsN so I can use the two gadgets I like that show my speeds and temps.

I'll continue to keep looking for GOOD Tile Apps, I admit, the Mobile Scanner is pretty decent, although I can't use it, I have a real scanner. But this is just ONE decent Tile app out of hundreds if not thousands of worthless high priced cack that have Zero Productivity value.
It really doesn't matter that you're tired of hearing about it, there are very legitimate reasons for it.

There are many reasons why I won't/can't run Windows 8.x, but the primary reason is MS is forcing me upgrade my entire Windows based IT infrastructure to Windows Server/Hyper-V to 2012 if I want to manage it from my Win8 machine because they have made the desktop management tools incompatible with previous server versions.

I know I could run Windows 7 in a VM on my machine to do so, but why should I have to? It is the same with why should I have to install a 3rd party Start Menu to get the convenience if the Start Menu back.

These, and many other, compromises are not acceptable. They are simply an artificial limitation in an attempt to force a revenue generating (for MS) upgrades on us that even if we wanted the upgrade we couldn't do them overnight.

Add the training issue for the IT user population and the costs involved and this is a disaster for MS, and a bigger blunder on their part than Vista ever was.
Did you even read my original post before responding?
If you just lay down ...

Did you even read my original post before responding?

If you just lay down and quietly acquiesce to whatever the Corporations (and/or Government) decide is "best for you", they'll keep doing it.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

- Dylan Thomas
XweAponX — "Here is my process: I'm reading a post, find a solution, then make a screenshot of it. Open PAINT, paste it in, save it to my pics.

Then I click on Post Pic, choose file and the Explorer Windows comes up, I type the first 2 letters of the file I just made into the selection box on the bottom. It fills in automatically with the names of all of the files that have those letters in it."

In 8 — This should be your process: you're reading a post, find a solution, then make a screenshot of it by Winkey+Prnt Scrn.
Your first screenshot using this method creates a new folder in Pictures named 'Screenshots'
They are automatically named Screenshot (#)
Every screenshot is saved here and you can rename any of them. I prefer to rename by adding a suffix. Screenshot (14) becomes Screenshot (14) intel CPUs

Just seems faster than Open PAINT, paste it in, save it to my pics.
It really doesn't matter that you're tired of hearing about it, there are very legitimate reasons for it.

Yes, some reasons may be legitimate. Others, however, may have a legitimate basis, but are generally embellished, or even just completely fictional.

There are many reasons why I won't/can't run Windows 8.x, but the primary reason is MS is forcing me upgrade my entire Windows based IT infrastructure to Windows Server/Hyper-V to 2012 if I want to manage it from my Win8 machine because they have made the desktop management tools incompatible with previous server versions.

Case in point.

The RSAT tools for Windows 8 Can, and do support Windows 2003, 2008 and 2008R2. However, many features don't exist on those platoforms.. so obviously those tools won't work, and there are a few tools which are implemented in tools that don't exist on those platforms (most notably the DHCP PowerShell module). But a large percentage of the tools do in fact work. Here's a list:

Description of Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 8

Most of the common tools, like WSUS, Group Policy Management, DNS, AD, etc.. all work

So I would consider this a bit of an embellishment to say that you have to upgrade your infrastructure to use it.

The one thing that doesn't work is Hyper-V manager, but that's because Hyper-V manager is not included in RSAT, because it's part of Windows 8, and it doesn't support older versions of Hyper-V due to a complete redesign of the protocol. So if your primary complaint is Hyper-V manager, then fine.. but if you're running Hyper-V, that probably means you have lots of VM's already, and you can probably find a 2008 or 7 box to install hyper-v manager on that you can remote to.

Sometimes they have to break compatibility. It happens. Eventually you'll have to upgrade. The Hyper-V breakage was not an "artificial limitation", there's very real technical reasons for it. Read here:

The v2 WMI namespace in Hyper-V on Windows 8 - Ben Armstrong - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
I find Windows 8 interesting, but I would not want to spend any money for it. For me, there are too few advantages of /8 over /7 and I decided to only keep the one copy that I got for $40 - and that I run in a virtual partition. For day to day production I still prefer Windows 7.
We shall see if the subterfuge in 8.1 is enough to stop repelling the potential consumers. It may be.
It really doesn't matter that you're tired of hearing about it, there are very legitimate reasons for it.

There are many reasons why I won't/can't run Windows 8.x, but the primary reason is MS is forcing me upgrade my entire Windows based IT infrastructure to Windows Server/Hyper-V to 2012 if I want to manage it from my Win8 machine because they have made the desktop management tools incompatible with previous server versions.

I know I could run Windows 7 in a VM on my machine to do so, but why should I have to? It is the same with why should I have to install a 3rd party Start Menu to get the convenience if the Start Menu back.

These, and many other, compromises are not acceptable. They are simply an artificial limitation in an attempt to force a revenue generating (for MS) upgrades on us that even if we wanted the upgrade we couldn't do them overnight.

Add the training issue for the IT user population and the costs involved and this is a disaster for MS, and a bigger blunder on their part than Vista ever was.
Did you even read my original post before responding?

I thought so, but would be interested in what you think I missed and why you think my response isn't relevant.
I find Windows 8 interesting, but I would not want to spend any money for it. For me, there are too few advantages of /8 over /7 and I decided to only keep the one copy that I got for $40 - and that I run in a virtual partition. For day to day production I still prefer Windows 7.
I don't find Win 8 a compelling upgrade but there's also no reason to avoid a new computer that comes with it.
XweAponX — "Here is my process: I'm reading a post, find a solution, then make a screenshot of it. Open PAINT, paste it in, save it to my pics.

Then I click on Post Pic, choose file and the Explorer Windows comes up, I type the first 2 letters of the file I just made into the selection box on the bottom. It fills in automatically with the names of all of the files that have those letters in it."

In 8 — This should be your process: you're reading a post, find a solution, then make a screenshot of it by Winkey+Prnt Scrn.
Your first screenshot using this method creates a new folder in Pictures named 'Screenshots'
They are automatically named Screenshot (#)
Every screenshot is saved here and you can rename any of them. I prefer to rename by adding a suffix. Screenshot (14) becomes Screenshot (14) intel CPUs

Just seems faster than Open PAINT, paste it in, save it to my pics.

For some reason, my system doesn't save the images in that folder, i've tried it, thanx though.

The Winkey+Prscr does copy to the clipboard, but it doesn't make a copy in that folder, don't know why. So I had to adopt that other process.
The one thing that doesn't work is Hyper-V manager, but that's because Hyper-V manager is not included in RSAT, because it's part of Windows 8, and it doesn't support older versions of Hyper-V due to a complete redesign of the protocol. So if your primary complaint is Hyper-V manager, then fine.. but if you're running Hyper-V, that probably means you have lots of VM's already, and you can probably find a 2008 or 7 box to install hyper-v manager on that you can remote to.

Sometimes they have to break compatibility. It happens. Eventually you'll have to upgrade. The Hyper-V breakage was not an "artificial limitation", there's very real technical reasons for it. Read here:

The v2 WMI namespace in Hyper-V on Windows 8 - Ben Armstrong - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

I can't even get Hyper-V at all, it's not compatible with my 2 AMD machines, and my one Intel machine is a P4 socket 775. I do have a core duo chip I can put in there. If my gateway laptop were working, I could use it in there, cos that has a core duo, and that's the minimum chip you can use.

I'd really like to try it though, I can install the program, but when I pull up the interface, there is no VM manager.
I find Windows 8 interesting, but I would not want to spend any money for it. For me, there are too few advantages of /8 over /7 and I decided to only keep the one copy that I got for $40 - and that I run in a virtual partition. For day to day production I still prefer Windows 7.
I don't find Win 8 a compelling upgrade but there's also no reason to avoid a new computer that comes with it.

Each to their own preference or need. Buuut, reaaaally, wooow! Call me a fanboy or fangirl, or tile lover, but omg, I think Windows 8 is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It has really ramped up my interest in using the pc.

Recently took some time to use Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint, Deepin, Suse, Vista and 7...
Windows 8 is a totally different experience.

I hope I never have to get stuck with a flat desktop OS. :party:
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I find Windows 8 interesting, but I would not want to spend any money for it. For me, there are too few advantages of /8 over /7 and I decided to only keep the one copy that I got for $40 - and that I run in a virtual partition. For day to day production I still prefer Windows 7.
I don't find Win 8 a compelling upgrade but there's also no reason to avoid a new computer that comes with it.

Each to their own preference or need. Buuut, reaaaally, wooow! Call me a fanboy or fangirl, or tile lover, but omg, I think Windows 8 is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It has really ramped up my interest in using the pc.

Recently took some time to use Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Mint, Deepin, Suse, Vista and 7...
Windows 8 is a totally different experience.

I hope I never have to get stuck with a flat desktop OS. :party:
I am sure Steve Ballmer is happy to hear that.
Personally, I'm sick of hearing from all the kool-aid swallowers. A large majority of users despise tifkam. Deal with it.