An Eight Forums app.

Coke Robot

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To throw this out there, why not an official Eight Forums app for Windows 8? It seems logical.

That is all...
When/if you do, I suggest you be the first with a round tile. Wait.....It wouldn't be a tile then, would it?! A disk. I think MSFT would approve. It's quite different. :p One thing about different is that it attracts more attention. :cool:
There are apps that can help with that already on phone, like BoardReader for instance.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express
But if a Windows 8 app is developed, it would have an easy port over to Windows Phone 8 as it's based on Windows 8 code.
I'm looking to get a windows 8 phone over the next few months. Just a small one from AT&T. They look nice :D
I'm still with the party that thinks PCs are best to browse the web for most things, while a phone is just good for spontaneous needs that arise when away from the computer. But everyone will have a different view, and it might be nice to have such an app when/if the win8 phones become more popular.
What's wrong with using a web browser to browse this forum? I'm stumped as to why I would want to use an app to view the forum.
Be cause an App can put things in a better organized manner for phone viewing
Web browsing is ok, but not ideal on a phone

I do find it ironic that this is a forum about Windows but no Windows Apps for the forum.