8gadgetpack - how to hide/unhide from command line?



I want to no how I can hide gadgets from the command line.

I'm constantly frustrated by the fact that the gadgets layout is destroyed when I rotate my screen. So I set a scheduled task to unpack and overwrite the ini file for the gadgets.
But it doesn't work reliably (nothing does with the pathetic task Sheduler). The task doesn't run on time (or doesn't run at all) and such the layout is still broken. So I was thinking I could hide it via command line, restore the ini, then show them again. (With three tasks with a delay, because the task scheduler is garbage and it wont work otherwise, if it'll work at all.)
Since the the layout is screwed anyway if I have the screen rotated at startup. I tried working around with this, which I use as a hotkeyed icon:
chcp 1250
D:\Programok\irotate\iRotate.exe /rotate=0 /exit
wmic process where ExecutablePath='c:\\Program Files\\Windows Sidebar\\sidebar.exe' delete
timeout /T 1
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e "c:\Users\zsolt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Settings.7z"  -o"c:\Users\zsolt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\" -aoa
"C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe"

But I got another problem. The friggin cmd window won't close, and nothing I found suggested on the internet works. I can't stop it from appearing, I can't have it closed automatically...

It's funny, because I usually have the opposite problem...
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