Solved 8.1 bsod - can't boot to normal or safe - plz help


New Member
Back in the '98 days I used to build my comps, and mess around in dos a bit, so I can navigate a bit of this stuff, but not at any pro level. Also, my comp is just over a year old. A couple days ago a steam game I've had on there for a year was doing it's usual weekly update when it crashed, citing a corrupted file. I launched Skype and got same result, so rebooted to a bsod recovery screen with some error I can't remember. Now every time I reboot I'm just stuck in this loop where it tells me a crit process died, collects info to repair, and kicks me to recovery screen.

Restore + refresh --- no previous points.
Safe mode --- can't get there, as I just get same bsod
Chkdsk --- c (smaller sys res partition) is fine, as is d (main drive), however x: lists some problem w/an uppercase file, but I assume chkdsk isn't useful there as x is just some virtual ram partition?
SFC --- I tried /scannow but it wouldn't do it, or any offline switch, saying a repair process had been queued, or something like that. so I googled that and renamed some file in winsxs, maybe? I got SFC to scan but then it said win resource protection, or something like that, wouldn't let it complete operation after it scanned 100% So, I googled that and tried to start some trusted installer service, but it said it had already been started.
Booting off win8 disk --- I click the fix windows in lower left but that just takes me to the recovery screen I've been living on. Any ideas to get SFC to actually fix stuff, or whatever else. Think when I get home ima pop out ram and put it back in - anybody know the location of memtest on there that I could maybe run?
Update: popped both sticks out, but no change

Thx for any help

Edit: BTW, earlier that day I accidentally hit that sleep button on the corner of the keyboard a few times, and had to hard power off.
But everything seemed fine until the game started updating.

I am extremely sorry that this thread was not attended to. There are not many people in this field.

In case you still require help, kindly respond to this thread and I will be notified via email and you should expect a response from me in 48 hours.
