So lately I've noticed some things about my computer that I need help on. So just to let you all know; my birthday was last month, and I have a brand new desk that places the hard drive inside the drawer instead of on top the desk. Because of its size, I can't close the door. Also, before all of...
i'm "disabled" in that i only have 1 arm/hand.
touch screens are USELESS to me. i can't even use an Android. the 1 arm/hand i got can't even spread out the fingers.
so i rely SOLELY on a mouse.
so i'm worried... will i be able to use 8?
hey guys i thought i'd bring this over to this forum... this was discoverd by 'NaiveUser' on the mdlife forums...
create a key in registry: HKEY_CLASS_ROOT\CLSID\
now create a string value in this key called "AppID", set its value to...