Cannot delete weather app from windows 8.1


New Member
Windows 8.1, HP 2000 laptop.
Quite a while ago I installed the weather app. It didn't perform as I thought it should so I tried to delete it.
I followed the normal procedure of reverse clicking, etc. Problem was the app didn't delete.

Cutting to the chase, the present situation:
The app shows up in my listing but the icon block is blank. When I click on it it tries to start and comes up with the notice that it needs repair. When I click on the install link that comes up with it, it says it is already installed. No option to repair anywhere that I have found.
This app does not give me any options when I reverse click on it (I'm left handed so I use the term reverse instead of right), it tries to open and gives me the notice that it needs repair.

I really just want to get rid of it, taking up space and may be causing other issues if it is corrupt. Causing me more trouble than it is worth even when it worked.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    windows 8.1
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    hp 2000
If you downloaded the app from the Windows Store, here is a guide to remove.

If it's a Windows 8.1 default app, here is a guide to remove it.

Remove default applications on Windows 8 systems - gHacks Tech News

If you downloaded the program from the Internet, try Revo Uninstaller Free. Be sure to download the free version.

Download Revo Uninstaller Freeware - Free and Full Download - Uninstall software, remove programs, solve uninstall problems

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    Windows 8 Pro
Okay, uh... this is interesting.
I get the list of applications ok and the Weather is listed. However the 'install location' parameter is empty for this app.
In attempting to remove this app I did enter the 'remove-app......' with the string given me by the listing. I keep getting the failure: aborted: invalid argument, and the notice to: contact software vendor.
Yes, I've double checked the string several times I dont question my typing (this time).

Now in going further here I listed the directory of C in the shell and looked at the program files. Not that I know for sure where these files are hiding but I believe the belong in the x86 program files folder. Both program file folders have the code d-r-- listed under the mode column.

I don't know if having access to these folders would solve the problem or not as there is no installation location given for these files I'm trying to remove.

I don't know if contacting the software vendor would be of any value here but I intend to do a search for a removal tool from them. No idea if this will be fruitful.

I'll leave this with the comment that should I be able to go further after my search for a removal protocol from 'weather' I will post what I find out.
Should you have any more ideas about how to remove these files I would certainly be glad to hear them.

My Computer

System One

  • OS
    windows 8.1
    Computer type
    System Manufacturer/Model
    hp 2000