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  1. R

    can you force earlier drivers in windows 8.1?

    I was wondering if there is a way to force Windows 8.1 to use older drivers, for example, force a generic Bluetooth adapter driver to use version 6.2.9200 instead of 6.3.9600. I am just trying to troubleshoot a problem and was curious, and wanted to try if its possible.
  2. R

    Win 8.1 upgrade, Bluetooth device works?? but apps wont?

    Solved: Win 8.1 upgrade, Bluetooth device works?? Hello all. I am having a problem with a bluetooth device (Elm327 Mini, It allows you to talk and read data from your car via bluetooth). Heres the problem, It works in windows 7 fine, it works with windows 8 fine, it works in VMware with...