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  1. Charbroil57

    Windows 8 Concept Video!

    They all do... Every OS has a lot of features that many users will never use, but the features are there for the few who will use them... What you can easily do without, some other user may feel is indispensible... And I guess that is why some OS's seem bloated to power users who only...
  2. Charbroil57

    Could you imagine Windows 8 hardware

    Maybe a little far-fetched... How about Windows 8 being able to recognize and install all the required 64 bit drivers for any hardware connected to all computers... That would be one advanced and intuitive OS, wouldn't it? But for real: 1. USB 3.0... 2. A completely overhauled and...
  3. Charbroil57

    Windows 8 theme!

    themes... I think that Windows 7 is just fine the way it is, even with the M$ themes and walls... And the OS side is outstanding compaired to previous versions, with outstanding driver database and recognition... Will have to wait and see the new and "improved" Windows 8, before I will be...
  4. Charbroil57

    Inside Bill Gates' real Facebook account

    Me too... I'd like to be his friend also... Hey Bill, could I borrow some money? A couple million will do and you wouldn't even miss it... Thanks, Marvin
  5. Charbroil57

    Windows 8 starts to come into focus

    Good OS... Windows 7 is by far the best OS out of Redmond, therefore M$ is not in such a hurry to release another OS for a while... I won't start looking for betas or leaks of Windows 8 for quite a while, remember we still have a couple of Service Packs for Windows 7 to wait out prior to a...
  6. Charbroil57

    has it already been called "8"?

    Subtle references... There have been numerous "subtle" references to Windows 8 in some of the M$ blogs, speeches, and on the internet. It seems that they (M$) have learned their mistake with name (Millinium, Vista) vs. number (95, 98, 2000) and I feel that to follow the numbering sequences...
  7. Charbroil57

    Microsoft alters Laptop Hunter ad due to Apple's r

    ad change... I thought the ad change was a nice step by M$, but not necessary, Apple sure didn't tone their ads down when they aired! Guess that's one up for M$...
  8. Charbroil57

    Windows 8, beyond Windows 7

    Agree... Internet based cloud computing using an open-sourced browser... We'll have to wait and see, but trends are leading to that type of computing existence... seems kind of boring, no?
  9. Charbroil57

    100 members!

    Good... Way to go forum... Just ponder the possible number of members when M$ Windows 8 betas are first leaked in a couple of years... could be thousands, tens of thousands! You get the point...
  10. Charbroil57

    Windows 8 Concept Video!

    Oh Oh... M$ just purchased the Copenhagen Concept from Cullen Dudas for use in it's upcoming 64-bit OS, Windows 8... (LOL), Marvin
  11. Charbroil57

    My W8 Ideas

    Not wise... It doesn't make sense to me, why one would think M$ would cut their revenue income by combining the PC and xbox and having only one source of income... As long as they (M$) make OS's, people will buy them... As long as they (M$) make xbox's people will buy them... Two incomes...
  12. Charbroil57

    My W8 Concept

    Excellent conception... Very well thought-out idea, very pleasing color combinations, and an excellent choice for fonts... Thumbs up all the way... Let's hope MS is watching.;)
  13. Charbroil57

    Windows 8 x64 only?

    64-bit all the way... To make a long story short, Windows 8 should be x64 only, and people with hardware inadequacies could stick with Windows 7 x86... The hardware base is already there, and the software base wouldn't take that long to catch-up... Why hinder those who are willing to make...
  14. Charbroil57

    Joke Thread

    versions... The wise man, after opening Se7en doors and looking in, finally stated "Oh, I 8 one too!"... jugde me not, just a version word play...
  15. Charbroil57

    When do you think Windows 8 Beta 1 will come out?

    off by 2 months... According to inside sources at Redmond, it will be released on my 63rd birthday, 17 June 2012! Marvin
  16. Charbroil57

    Custom Windows 8 Wallpapers

    Or try a free program... Download Paint.NET in 32 or 64 bit versions which has many of the best features that purchased programs do... I was pleasantly surprised with the layering and special effects that this free program has! If you haven't tried it, you should at least give it a try...
  17. Charbroil57

    Feedback and fixes

    Thanks, Just updated specs...
  18. Charbroil57

    What pet do you have?

    2 of each... I have 2 dogs and 2 cats... Murray Chico Angel Petey (PP for short) Love them all...
  19. Charbroil57

    Inside Bill Gates' real Facebook account

    Your right That's the standard Windows 7 RTM logo screen behind IE8... Good observation... At least we know someone already has the not yet released RTM...
  20. Charbroil57

    Post You Desktop Screenshots.

    New 8 desktop... Needed a splash of color, so I added a little Windows Glass! Marvin