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    What Is This On My LED Screen?

    I haven't seen it on the laptop screen. That green screen is actually when Windows 8.1 is first logged the metro tiles. Its a solid colored screen because the desktop tile wasn't clicked yet so the second monitor was never given a task to display anything. I'm not sure if metro can use...
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    What Is This On My LED Screen?

    I used a camera with macro. Ill be honest I haven't really got into the detailed settings on what works better on light. I understand though everyones screen needs to have a high amount of brightness to see it. Yeah its not as big as you think. I'd say the dark area is about the size of the...
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    What Is This On My LED Screen?

    I'm not sure if you guys will have a hard time seeing it, but I can see it in the picture still. There is a dark vertical line going straight down my monitor to the towards the right. It can only be noticed on solid color. Its more like a slightly shadowed area towards the mid right of the...
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    (2.4 Ghz i3) to (1.8 Ghz i5) Increase or decrease in perf?

    Yeah so ive heard they're more of budget machines since I brought it. It was a quick buy and not much thought went into it. At the time I figured an i3 would be better going from the C2D...also was kind of already sold on the 17' inch display with the full keypad/numberpad. My careless thoughts...
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    (2.4 Ghz i3) to (1.8 Ghz i5) Increase or decrease in perf?

    As the title states. I'm planning on trading my dad laptops. I do audio production and gaming. I have an i3 and the cpu is clocked at 2.4 ghz and he has an i5 clocked at 1.8. How much of a difference will this impact performance? For better or worse? Im curious because I had a desktop a while...
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    So this pretty much is a sign the HDD is almost done for?

    I was working on someones computer to fix...From what the owner said it sounded like someone messed something up and corrupted the factory restore partition so it couldn't finish the restoration. I give it a try myself...Immediately I say to myself wow one of the slowest i've seen...I get into...
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    Sick Of Weak USB Hubs. Any recommendations?

    Quite annoyed each time I get a USB hub it shows all kinds of pictures of general stuff that its intended to work for. They come with AC adapters in all. I connect something light like a thumb drive and something like a AC powered USB HDD and it results random disconnects, reconnects...makes my...
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    Preinstalled Intel HD Graphics Drivers Preventing Graphic Control Menu

    Thanks for the response and sorry im late coming back I thought the thread would just blow over. Its strange I stayed on windows 7 for a few days and rebooted to windows 8 today...I have been checking that HP page for my drivers like a mad man because they had gave AMD 2 sets of drivers for...
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    Preinstalled Intel HD Graphics Drivers Preventing Graphic Control Menu

    So I install Windows 8 the display shows everything good to the native resolution. My issue is I want the features of my Graphics control panel...Mainly for video scaling...if I run a game and it only supports a 4.3 aspect ratio, I get the luxury of stretching to 16.9 I really dislike borders...