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  1. P

    Click for me?

    Is there an application that will take a typical web feature like, "The 12 Most Embarrassing Facebook Posts EVER!" and automatically click through all twelve and open them on separate tabs? Patrick Dennis
  2. P

    User Profiles - Relocate to another Partition or Disk

    PC Pilot -- Did you follow Kari's advice to omit from your script the line which refers to "program data"? It appears that if you move both "program data" and "users" (which worked fine with Windows 7), that Metro apps won't work. So from your "relocate.xml" script, delete the line...
  3. P

    Metro Tile Nesting?

    Hmm... You're right, I was hoping to find a way in the Start Screen, one step before All Apps, BUT... Even my "All Apps" doesn't look like that. I don't have a tile for Microsoft Office, just tiles for the individual programs. Same with Windows Accessories and everything else; the whole thing...
  4. P

    Metro Tile Nesting?

    Is there a way to nest or embed Metro tiles so they act like folders? For example, Microsoft Office deposits at least eight tiles on my Start Screen. I rarely use any but Word and Excel, so I would like simply a generic "MS Office" tile that, when clicked, gives me all of the Office tiles...
  5. P

    Solved Windows 8: should i or should i not upgrade from windows 7?

    If you enjoy tinkering with your computer, are perhaps the kind of person who re-installs Windows every year or so just to get the cobwebs out, maybe have tried Linux once or twice, then go for it! If not, then as a non-touchscreen desktop or laptop user, I don't think you'll see any...
  6. P

    User Profiles - Relocate to another Partition or Disk

    Well, you can move (at least) your Documents, Music, Videos and Pictures folders, which generally consume most of your storage space, by individually going to each folder, right-clicking, selecting "properties," then the tab "Location." From there you can change the location of the folder. The...
  7. P

    User Profiles - Relocate to another Partition or Disk

    Here's my experience leading to a successful clean install, using Kari's technique. 1. I wanted to keep Metro, so I omitted the "program data" line (#15) in the script, per Kari's note. 2. I had my prior Windows 7 user files saved to a folder called "Archive Files" on my data drive. [NOTE: On...