Start button will be there but no start menu. Start button is just a shortcut to the Start Screen. Boot to desktop will only be on pro and enterprise versions of Win8
Its most from kids throwing it around the room. My surface is still in perfect condition. Theres is a volume mute bug but I believe its a software fix.
Why cant they just use a micro usb port like everyone else? Lightning port? Really? They are worse than Sony in their heyday with the proprietary crap. Sorry Apple. Nokia 920 FTW.
Simple reason. Money. The more people are in the Tile UI the more money they will spend on apps. I can bet that if MS allowed boot straight to desktop they wouldnt have been able to sell Win8 for 40 bucks.
Those tests are pretty much useless because those people didn't see the startup tutorials that shows up first win8 boots. There will be specific tutorials based on what device win8 is installed on also.
For those of you hell bent on keeping your start button and booting to desktop in Win8 you can just install Start8. A free program.
Here's more info on it.