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    Missing pictures in WHS shared folder in library from Photos app

    Only empty folders show up when using the metros photos app when my pictures library includes a WHS homegroup shared folder. Photos app reports "We couldn't find any photos in here" I can browse to the folders using file manager and open a single picture in Photos but I cannot then get to the...
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    Solved Crash when installing theme under windows 8

    Speccy reported low (10.7v) power which was more that 5% off the 12v spec. Replaced power supply.... no more problem! Thank you Gman
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    Solved Crash when installing theme under windows 8

    standard, from the ms website
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    Solved Crash when installing theme under windows 8

    "All is well" Hardly! The machine continues to crash (reboot) whenever an attempt is made to install a theme!
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    Solved Crash when installing theme under windows 8

    Install of any theme under windows 8 dual booting with windows 7 crashes the computer causing restart. Dell Studio XPS with ATI Radeon HD 48XX running WDDM 1.1 driver
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    Windows 8 panoramic backgrounds themes explained

    Install of this windows 8 desktoptheme under windows 8 dualbooting with windows 7 crashes the computer causing restart