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  1. W

    Restart Time

    I need to try Windows 8 on my ssd on my main pc as Windows 7 is crazy fast on it and I bet Windows 8 will be even faster.
  2. W

    Exclusive: Microsoft's Windows 8 packaging revealed

    I hope that they legalize system builder licenses. They are dirt cheap compared to retail.
  3. W

    Restart Time

    Here is my Windows 7 restart time:
  4. W

    My logic behind Microsoft's controversial decision: Removal of Start

    The reason is because a Windows 8 upgrade is $39.99 and a little bit of hacking, you could have a faster version of Windows 7 for only $39.99. I'm going to buy the upgrade and keep it as as a spare OS for a ystem thatr may need it. I can decide if I want to disable Metro when I need it.
  5. W

    My logic behind Microsoft's controversial decision: Removal of Start

    I bet there will be hacks to disable Metro, and then just install classic shell and you get an older version of the start menu that works, at least.
  6. W

    Will you upgrade? That is the question...

    It gets easier to navigate over time:)
  7. W

    Will you upgrade? That is the question...

    Why are you all still arguing about this?
  8. W

    Will you upgrade? That is the question...

    We can have a massive discussion about this if you would like, but in a DIFFERENT thread. Make a thread for this instead of putting all of these posts in this thread. Back on topic now. I may upgrade one of my computers to Windows 8 since it's 40 bucks, so I think that's a great deal, especially...
  9. W

    Windows R8 or Windows 2012 server ? Makes a great laptop OS !

    Sorry, a kind of off topic quesion, what wallpaper are you using in that screenshot? If you can, could you tell me where to download it?
  10. W

    Will you upgrade? That is the question...

    I'm going to buy the $40 upgrade and maybe install it on a secondary pc to play around with. If it is good enough, I may put it on my primary pc.
  11. W

    Windows 8 technically is a step backwards in design....

    I'm not going to bother, because I'm sticking with Windows 7.
  12. W

    Windows 8 technically is a step backwards in design....

    Windows 8 is a step backwards in a lot of things besides the interface looks. I don't like the hybrid boot because my computer isn't cleanly shut down. I like to boot my pc to a clean state when I need to. Anyway, we can all stay with Windows 7 until 2020 since Windows 8 isn't that great.
  13. W

    Final thoughts on Windows 8: A design disaster

    I don't get what's funny, lol...
  14. W

    Final thoughts on Windows 8: A design disaster

    Yea, I'm sorry it was phrased a bit strongly, in my opinion. It sounded like he was calling us dummies. I deleted my above post, so there is nothing to worry about now:)
  15. W

    Final thoughts on Windows 8: A design disaster

    Here's the thing with the Windows Team right now. They don't LISTEN to the PEOPLE that they make MONEY off of. They don't ask us what we want, they just bet all of the cards on a pice of crud os which is going to fail and ruin the Windows reputation even more. Macs are increasing in popularity...
  16. W

    Windows 8: Give Microsoft credit for betting the farm

    Here's the thing. Microsoft isn't listening to what consumers want. They are assuming we want Metro everywhere when in reality, we don't and never will. The reason why Vista was a flop when it was released was because Microsoft didn't LISTEN to their CUSTOMERS. I like Vista now, after 2 service...
  17. W

    Fake 'Microsoft' callers

    It was hilariouswhenyoustartedasking him about his underwear, lol.