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  1. E

    Microsoft Store has closed. How can I install apps manually?

    There are many different versions of VClibs and .NET. Which one should I install? The command to install the app along its dependency should be this one? Correct? add-appxpackage C:\(.appx path) -DependencyPath C:\(dependency .appx path) And how do I run this "CBA"?
  2. E

    Microsoft Store has closed. How can I install apps manually?

    On Event Viewer, the error seems to be "license problem".
  3. E

    Microsoft Store has closed. How can I install apps manually?

    Yes. The 2015 version is the only that actually install, however it shows an error when the app is opened. This same issue happens with many other apps if you try. My Win 8.1 is in pt-br, yet I will show some screenshots so you can see it for yourself. I have enabled the policy group to allow...
  4. E

    Microsoft Store has closed. How can I install apps manually?

    Hi all, By using the following command and downloading directly from the source below, I was able to install apps manually without the store. However, some of them will not open and shows an error instead. Can someone please try to install the app AccuWeather for Windows 8 below (for example)...