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  1. M

    No system sounds work but all audio elsewhere plays.

    Ok wow, thanks for the help Bree. It really was instantaneously recreated after deleting it. And also-- IT WORKED! Doing the same solution from the similar problem over on tenforums legitimately did fix the same problem on 8.1. Wow. So yeah, thanks again for replying and helping out Bree. I...
  2. M

    No system sounds work but all audio elsewhere plays.

    So I just delete it like this?: It's guaranteed that windows will just automatically make another default key and won't affect my system in any way, no problem? Would I have to restart the pc after deleting for it to recreate the key or no? Just making double sure before I do anything...
  3. M

    No system sounds work but all audio elsewhere plays.

    Oh hey Bree. Hi. Glad to hear that, thanks for trying to help out. Here's the link to the identical problem over on the tenforums that also contains a solution: > Page with regedit solution. > Main page of the topic with similar symptoms. But like I said, I'm extremely reluctant to try it...
  4. M

    No system sounds work but all audio elsewhere plays.

    Don't know if anyone in this forum is still active but I need help with an old Windows 8.1 system of mine. Just to preface this, here are things I've already tried that didn't fix anything: - All audio levels in my sound mixer are maxed out and none are muted. - All audio playback devices are...