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  1. D

    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    Yes, that did it! Thanks a lot!
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    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    And this one is with a view with the RDP file on the deskop (also in file explorer :-) ) By the way, "Pin to start" = "Vastmaken aan Start" in Dutch...
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    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    Naturally. I am doing this in the file explorer and not in the web browser. I have OneDrive in my file explorer....
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    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    I accidentally noticed something... The RDP files are on my OneDrive and the PDF file I tried was on my C: drive. After I copied one of the RDP files to my local drive it worked. Then I tried other types of files that are on my OneDrive, such als Excel, Word and PDF files. When they are on my...
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    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    Hello Brink, thanks for the reply. Yes, PDF files work fine. And Yes, I did choose option two and the merge went fine too. It's RDP files that are the problem.
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    Pin to Start Files in Windows 8

    A while ago, on my desktop PC I found a similar registry file that I merged and that worked prefectly for me. But now I have bought a Surface Pro 2 and for the life of me I couldn't find it again. I came across this thread on this forum and did the merge with you reg file and it works just fine...