Recent content by roseilikkalol

  1. R

    file renaming help?

    nice Thanks! that did the trick :party:
  2. R

    file renaming help?

    tried it in test folder (Uusi kansio) where is 2 subfolders, both include 1 jpg file: C:\Uusi kansio>For /R %s in (*.jpg) do ren %s cover.jpg C:\Uusi kansio>ren C:\Uusi kansio\asfdafa\00_dance_with_the_dead_-_into_the_abys s-web-2014-cover-cruelty.jpg cover.jpg The syntax of the command is...
  3. R

    file renaming help?

    i have a bunch of directories, each one contains exactly 1 jpg file, What I would like to do is to rename all the files cover.jpg, but when I do search on *.jpg and try to rename, it renames every file to cover(1).jpg Is there a way I can rename the files without tedious folder-by-folder renaming?