Recent content by prplxr

  1. prplxr

    Solved Is the official non-aero theme available anywhere?

    Thank you very much! :-)
  2. prplxr

    Solved Is the official non-aero theme available anywhere?

    It's the RP of Windows 8 x64.
  3. prplxr

    Solved Is the official non-aero theme available anywhere?

    Hey! I was just wondering, after seeing screenshots of how Windows 8 will look without Aero, can I download this "theme" from anywhere or is there any way to achive the same looks with maybe some regedit tweaks? Regards, Perplexor
  4. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    I must say I'm astonished how fast the Win8 RP is. Everything runs so smoothly and the computer boots in literally no time at all!
  5. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    Aero is still available.
  6. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    Why torrent? There are direct downloads available for free at Microsofts site!
  7. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    Are you really using a machine with 640MB of RAM?
  8. prplxr

    Solved Random sounds play

    Upgraded to build 8400 (RP). Solving this thread. I'll unsolved it if the problem persists.
  9. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    It's up and running! And... I installed Flash Player. Works like a charm. :-S // EDIT: And for the record. I love the new look and feel. It's not that much tweaked, but it kinda did it for me! Now even I want the Aero gone! :eek:
  10. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    And it cannot be installed for any other browser? What kind of bullsh*t is that!? I'm gonna figure this out for Opera and get back to you if (when) I succeed.
  11. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    It is? I thought they only added flash support in IE10 Metro. Honestly, I've been looking like hell now for a "what's new" list, but I can't find anything. Anyway, 12min left downloading!
  12. prplxr

    Windows 8 "Release Preview" Released

    What a disappointment. You can't keep your programs or settings from Win8 CP. Still very exciting, though. I'm gonna install the x64 RP in about an hour.
  13. prplxr

    Solved Random sounds play

    I just happened to catch some of these weird sounds when recording something else. You can listen to it at - Untitled 1.wav I don't recognize the simultaneous voices in the beginning and I have no idea what the "music" is. All I know for sure is, I'm most certainly not listening...
  14. prplxr

    Solved Random sounds play

    Sorry for another post, it seemed like the image was deleted from the host server. Also, I might add that there are often several random sounds playing simultaneously.
  15. prplxr

    Solved Random sounds play

    I've been having this really strange problem lately. Sometimes when I plug in or in rare cases when I unplug my headphones random sounds starts playing. Advertising, sounds from movies, music, anything. It seems to start playing, not at the beginning of the "sounds", and it does not play until...