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USB 3 LaCie Minimus HDD won't in Win 8 Gust on Win 7 x64.


Thanks to the tutorials on setting up Win 8 and VMware Player 5 I tutorials (and the license help) was able to successfully instal a win 8 x64 guest in a win 7 x64 host. I installed chrome amd a few other software working ok and was able to activate it.

I have some USB 3 ports on my win 7 host laptop one is connected to a 2TB LaCie Minimus external USB 3 HDD. It works great on the host. Running the win 8 guest it says I can connect to it and shows an icon for it on the toolbar. I right-click that icon and choose "Connect(disconnect from host)", but it always gives me an error message identifying lack of connection to specifically the LaCie however the reset of the message box only says "Driver Error". I've tried with the LaCie starting out connected to the host and also disconnecting from inside the host first. Same problem/msg either way.

I really need to work with my LaCie in USB 3 from the guest to make using Player worth anything to me because that is where most of my working data lies. Any help solving this would be appreciated.

My Computer

System One

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    win 7 ultimate
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