SUSE Linux Outlines Its Plans for Windows 8 Secure Boot

Well the Secure Boot saga keeps going on and on as Linux distributions far and wide decide how they're going to work around Windows 8's planned restrictions, and this week we heard from yet another project.

It was SUSE Linux to speak out this time, and what it has proposed amounts in many ways to a hybrid approach between what we've already seen from Ubuntu and Fedora.

“UEFI Secure Boot is a useful technology, making it harder for attackers to hide a rootkit in the boot chain,” began Olaf Kirch, director of the SUSE Linux Enterprise department in SUSE Engineering, in a blog post on Wednesday. “At the same time, already the basics of its operation--establishing a single root of trust--conflict with the principles of Open Source development, which must be independent and distributed to work.”


A Guy