Microsoft delivers Docs app for Facebook

Redmond-based Courier creator Microsoft has joined Facebook at the f8 conference to announce the introduction of Docs, an application and online service for users of the number one social network.

Accessible within Facebook from via, the new app comes from Microsoft's FUSE Labs and enables Facebook members to create and share Microsoft Office documents directly with their friends. The 'lite' Office web app lets people upload documents from the PC for sharing and also provides editing tools for quick tweaks.

"The fact that we’ve been able to adapt the Office 2010 “Web Apps” technology to work directly with Facebook truly speaks to the flexibility and power not just of the Facebook platform, but also of the Office system’s rich “contextual collaboration” capabilities," said Lili Cheng, general manager of Microsoft's Future Social Experiences (FUSE) Labs. "And we’d never have been able to achieve our critical ‘simplicity’ goals had it not been for our ability to use a new test feature from Facebook that allows us to build an instantly personalized and seamless document authorization & sharing experience directly from our site."

Currently bears a beta tag so be sure to provide feedback to its developers.

Source: TechConnect Magazine - Microsoft delivers Docs app for Facebook