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  1. JoaoDamaged

    Windows 8.1 Slow Windows Explorer

    Running Windows 8.1, it started today, the Windows Explorer is slow but i have a good system specs, any ideias, guys?
  2. JoaoDamaged

    Windows Explorer taking up 68% CPU all time

    Please, could someone help me?
  3. JoaoDamaged

    Solved How to login without entering a password? (Microsoft Account)

    Yes, I tried. But when I do it I have two user's options to login. :confused:
  4. JoaoDamaged

    Solved How to login without entering a password? (Microsoft Account)

    I do not like having to enter the same password of my E-mail to login on Windows 8, how can I turn off this?
  5. JoaoDamaged

    Solved Error when installing Framework 3.5

    Some programs in which I need to use require NET Framework 3.5 installed. But the problem is that I can not install through panel "Windows Features" or the Command Prompt method where I saw in some tutorials. I need help urgently!