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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    You and I have the same set-ups, I have had hibernation mode on and I turned it off because of RAM high usage (it used more ram). So what do I do to fix those freezes.. I didnt actually get you here.
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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    I have prefetch / superfetch disabled ( I checked through regedit or something I can't remember ) but on Samsung's Magician it says that it is not disabled?
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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    I do the same, my pc boots in 20 seconds because of my bootloader, its hosted on the HDD, last time that the bootloader was hosted on SSD pc turned up in 5-6 seconds. I always turn the pc off when I go to bed or when I leave the house.
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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    not so quite sure I got ya, but this is how it looks from here ~ Stats right now -
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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    It's not that. I have like 10% ram usage on my user and all the other 70% ram goes for something that is not listed. (this pic has been taken a day ago) -
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    High Ram & CPU usage and then Computer Freezes.

    I am having this problem for about a month now. I tried disabling Ndu, I have tried a lot of things that did not help me. My OS is running on an SSD (Samsung EVO 120GB) Secondary OS is running on an HDD (1TB WD) (Bootmanager is also hosted on this HDD) Computer gets to 80% ram usage and then...