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  1. B

    running too warm??

    I'm glad I asked, I can return the canned air. I'm sure canned air isn't as economic as an air-compressor but you were using it on a professional level. For me for the amount of use it would get, a little can of air is not only more economical price wise but space wise as well. It has been...
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    running too warm??

    Hi TechnoMage, Yes, Florida would be a bit far to go from Oregon. Is everything OK with you after the latest storm. I saw pictures of really bad erosion, houses and swimming pools falling into the ocean. Hope Central Florida means not near the coast. Don't be sorry, actually I did get the...
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    running too warm??

    Oh no, it wasn't you that caused the confusion and frustration, just sitting down to the computer if it's in one of its stinky moods will do that all on its own. Your answer was really good and clear, please don't be sorry for making such a good response. It's just me being a computer - what's...
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    running too warm??

    Wow, thank you for your reply. It must have taken you quite a while to write it up. If I read very slowly and concentrate hard, I can understand quite a bit of it. I'll try to address your points one by one, please understand all the terms and tech stuff doesn't come easy to me. (HWInfo really...
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    running too warm??

    After a very confusing time on their website, I did manage to download the program and get it working. Now the question becomes, when does warm become hot? The temp reading is about 45 - 48 degrees c. I haven't had any problems with the computer doing bad things since the weather broke last week...
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    running too warm??

    Thank you, I'll give it a try though it's ironic because I've got to turn the heat on, just turned cold outside.
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    running too warm??

    It does say free to download, but is it free to use? I'm just wary because I had a bad experience. In my inexperience with computers, I downloaded something free and then it wanted to charge me quite a bit to use it. It was really hard for me to get rid of it too. So, I'm super careful now...
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    running too warm??

    I'm a senior who doesn't understand all the "computerese" language and terms and I have a question. How I can find out the temperature of my desktop computer. I am having some intermittent problems that seem to manifest themselves more when the computer has been on a while and gets warm, maybe...
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    Windows 8.1 support from Microsoft will end on January 10, 2023

    I'm a senior who doesn't understand all the "computerese" language and terms and I have a question. I originally came to this webpage to ask how I can find out the temperature of my desktop computer. I am having some intermittent problems that seem to manifest themselves more when the computer...
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    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    I worked so hard on this, if I can help someone else not have to work so hard, that will be a silver lining to what has been a dark cloud over my computer.
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    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    Well now several weeks later, many hours spent and I'm pretty sure I was given the procedure to solve the problem. Turns out it was caused by WIN 8 and even though there are many pages of questions and replies on the MS forum, MS has done nothing to help people turn it off. Just for future...
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    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    Thanks, with me it's always best for me to be extra safe. These old eyes don't always see what they should and the head doesn't always interpret what they see too well. I have to go now, so it may be a day or even 2 before I can do all of this. Oh, but always with me, another question. Not...
  13. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    That was the option I saw, but I meant is there a way to save all of that before I get into the reset FF procedure. Just an extra bit of safety to not lose them if I make a mistake during the procedure, like belt and suspenders? In case I miss something or do something wrong during the procedure.
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    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    It's beyond stubborn, way beyond. It's a stalker. Starting over with FF was what I was not wanting to do. I do see an option for preserving my bookmarks etc. Is there a way for me to save my bookmarks and other settings before I jump into the procedure? This scares me tremendously. Then the...
  15. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    You must have missed my note before: I missed answering one question, no I don't have Bing as my FF homepage, I haven't checked recently but it wasn't IE homepage the last time I checked it, though if you remember it had re-inserted itself as IE's homepage and I changed it back to the one I...
  16. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    I tried again and boy did I succeed in getting Bing to open, not just once or twice on one FF screens with 2 Bing tabs and it didn't open the tab I was saving to look at. But it opened two FF screens, the first had 2 Bing tabs. Then as I was checking email I had the original 2 Bing tabs and 2...
  17. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    Oh, OK. Of all times it didn't happen this morning, it doesn't happen every time I start the computer, and when it does I delete it. Yesterday it did and it went to and a blank page, before that it had opened one and most recently 2 tabs of (maybe with more on the address) and...
  18. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    I'm sorry I'm confused what you want me to take screenshots of.
  19. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    This would be so much easier on XP. Each time, to get where you want me to be, I have to find out how to get there. Your tutorials are amazing, but the words get all confused in my head. I did get to Apps, looked them all over and then did a search - no Bing.
  20. B

    Solved Help to turn off Bing

    One just needs to left click the image to see it bigger. :) You did it right. Thanks for the encouragement David. It's just too bad what I did right turned out to be wrong.