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  1. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Hi, you need to go into the Chrome flags menu and set the pinch to zoom option (just ctrl-F for "pinch") to true. Cheers!
  2. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Haha, sorry for the inconvenience. I don't want to rush you :-D Win 8.1 broke both my sound card and my gamepad driver, so I know the pain^^ As I said, I cannot test the touch capabilities of Chrome since I do not have a Win 8 device with a touchscreen. I do not know anyone personally who owns...
  3. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Are you back home yet?
  4. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Nice, thanks! I know there is Adblock for both IE and FF but only in Desktop mode, not in Modern UI mode.
  5. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    So, did you try that pinch-to-zoom in that Chrome dev build? How exactly "crappy"? Could you describe? Well... seems that I have to use IE then. I totally need Adbock. Are there any solutions for IE? Haven't looked myself, yet; will do on my own, too. Thanks! John
  6. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Hi, thanks for suggesting Firefox. I did not know they had a touch-friendly version, too. If you could try that Chrome version, it would be very helpful. The thing is, I need my browser addons. In the optimal case for Chrome but I could find Firefox alternatives. To my knowledge, Chrome...
  7. S

    Chrome on touchscreen-enabled Windows 8

    Hi, I currently use Windows 8 on my desktop PC and I'm considering buying a Windows 8 tablet (x86). Currently I prefer the Asus T100. However, I am a big fan of Google Chrome. So a requirement for me is, that Chrome runs quite well with touch. Some month ago I tested some Windows 8 tablet and...