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  1. K

    Start menu replacements

    I had to get a new PC in a hurry due to my old one crapping out randomly. Old PC ran XP, was not upgradable past 1G memory, not worth spending time or money to fix, so no choice had to get another PC. The selection of new Windows 7 PCs locally was pretty thin and little to no discount on them. I...
  2. K

    Start menu replacements

    I got this Windows 8 PC right after Black Friday. I tried to use the PC without modification for a while. Just couldn't get used to it. For about a month now I have not seen the Start screen nor any of the apps, unless I happen to accidentally open a file that is set for an app then I fix that...
  3. K

    setting for sensitivity of charm panel

    On my PC they pop up quickly, if the mouse rests in the corner for the slightest bit of time. I'd like to find a way to delay the charms bar popping up, also the other corners. Haven't found anything so far. Classic start menu lets you disable all or just the bottom right Start screen popup...
  4. K

    Solved Shortcut to Start Screen on Desktop?

    Yeah I like the cusomization of Classic shell, it would be enough just for me. But I wanted a desktop icon for some family members who cant progress to using advanced techniques like middle click.
  5. K

    Solved Shortcut to Start Screen on Desktop?

    With some digging into the Sendkeys VBS command I made it work. In classic shell setup, you can define another hotkey for the Start Screen. I used Alt p, a combination I'd be very unlikely to hit accidentally. So my vbs file now is this: Set objShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")...
  6. K

    Solved Shortcut to Start Screen on Desktop?

    Create a text file and name it something.vbs Edit the file and paste in the following code Set objShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") objShell.SendKeys "^{ESC}" Save the file and create a shortcut to it. Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties, then in the Target line preceed the...
  7. K

    Solved Shortcut to Start Screen on Desktop?

    Thanks but I don't want a key, I want an icon to click. I disabled the win key activating Metro with classic shell as I will hit it by accident too often.
  8. K

    Solved Shortcut to Start Screen on Desktop?

    Been playing with this new PC, getting to know Windows 8. Metro isnt gonna work for me, so I'll be using the desktop mostly. Don't like the little corner popups - these probably have a name but I have not seen it - I disabled them with classic shell. But at times I want to go to the Metro start...